Here you will find Charles Nenner's track records for various assets. Using the recommendations provided by Charles Nenner on basic updates (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning), track records were compiled for long and short positions.
Once buy/sell signals are triggered, positions are taken at the opening price of the following session.
Liquidation of positions occurs immediately when the signals are triggered, at the indicated price target levels, or at the specified dates.
Please note: The track record information herein was compiled by an independent consultant. While reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information provided herein is accurate and is taken from sources that we believe are correct, the user of this information may independently verify the accuracy of the information before taking any decision based on the above information.
Notwithstanding the above, Cycles Institute FZE dba Charles Nenner Research Center does not make any express or implied representation or warranty as to the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information or data contained herein and shall not be liable in any manner for the same. Neither Cycles Institute FZE dba Charles Nenner Research Center, nor any of its affiliates or their directors, officers and employees or consultants will be responsible or be liable for any loss or damage including any loss of profits incidental or consequential damage, howsoever arising, suffered, or incurred by any person accessing and/or using this information. The person accessing and utilizing the information is accordingly once again advised to independently verify the information and satisfy himself about the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of his specific requirements.
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