Bloomberg Radio “Taking Stock” with Pimm Fox | Charles Nenner on Cycles and Stock Market

On the program, Dr. Charles Nenner discusses:

  • Cycles and the stock market (messy again in 2012/13);
  • Human behavior patterns in the United States;
  • The research indicates that bonds should be in a bear market for the next 30 years (higher yields);
  • Currently not buying bonds;
  • US inflation remains low;
  • There is a dangerous situation with the market when looking at cycles;
  • Gold, silver (looks stronger than gold);
  • Emerging markets (for those invested in long-term stocks, this is not the place to be).

Related podcasts

February 20, 2020
One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone and Charles Nenner | How Cycles Work
February 06, 2018
"Market Wrap" with Moe Ansari and Charles Nenner| Economy Perspective
July 12, 2010
KABC Radio: “Market Wrap” with Moe Ansari | Perspective on Bond Market in August
January 17, 2008
Dallas Biz Radio | Charles Nenner on the Nature of Cycles and the Sunspot Theory

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