Wall Street Reporter | Charles Nenner on Cycles' Forecast

Dr. Charles Nenner discusses the following in the show:

  • The US stock market cycle;
  • In every case where the year ends with a 7, it means the bull market is over;
  • War is also possible;
  • Still waiting for the Dow to hit 5,000 by 2021/22;
  • Vladimir Putin was interested in war cycles;
  • Stocks are not a good investment;
  • The euro is expected to strengthen next year;
  • Next year will be better for Bitcoin.

Related podcasts

June 07, 2010
Biz Radio Network “Hedge Fund Radio” | Charles Nenner on Market Forecast | Explaining Cycles
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KABC Radio “Market Wrap” with Moe Ansari and Charles Nenner | Stock Market Forecast
June 28, 2020
Retirement Lifestyle Advocates | Cycles' Concept
April 03, 2008
Dallas Biz Radio | Charles Nenner's Investment Predictions in May, 2008

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