Bloomberg Radio “Taking Stock” with Pimm Fox | Dr. Charles Nenner on Cycles

Dr. Charles Nenner discusses cycles in the program:

  • His system shows two things: when the market is too high or too low as well as the price target;
  • Start with a yearly cycle, and once he knows the major trends, he can move on to a monthly cycle (weekly, daily). When a cycle is up for the next five years, there will be corrections in between based on short-term cycles (taking monthly or daily cycles into account);
  • All kinds of cycles exist, and when they are in sync, you get a big shift;
  • Dr. Nenner applies Fourier analysis when cycles are not always synchronized;
  • The computer is able to determine the final result - you get only one cycle in the end;
  • Cycles are able to predict the economy on an extremely accurate scale;
  • Within the longer term cycles there are always shorter term cycles and occurrences;
  • Based on cycles, markets can conclude two things: inflation is coming or inflation has ended;
  • A rebound in crude oil prices.

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