Bloomberg Radio “Taking Stock” with Pimm Fox | Dr. Nenner Gives Forecast for September | Gold Stocks

Charles Nenner discusses the following topics in the program:

  • Taking profits on Toll Brothers and purchasing gold stocks (undervalued compared to gold, purchase like Barrick and ASA Limited);
  • S&P and cycles (register all the cycles, assemble them, and you'll get one major cycle that determines the final outcome);
  • Cycles are real - nothing moves at random and certain cycles are prevalent in the market;
  • Interpretation of news (the cycle predicted the increase before it occurred);
  • The system's ability to predict 30 years in the future.

Related podcasts

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Charles Nenner on Market Forecasts
November 02, 2011
One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone and Charles Nenner | Stock Market Forecast for 2012

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