Charles Nenner LONG/SHORT Strategy NASDAQ / CRUDE / NAT GAS/ GOLD / BITCOIN Performance May 2023

Investment Strategy

Long and Short Positions taken on Futures Markets, usually front month.

Positions are taken immediately upon BUY and SELL signals, given on the Charles Nenner Research Center Newsletter Updates.

Monthly Performance May 2023

  C. Nenner Market CN YTD
Nasdaq 10.20% 7.36% 49.22%
Gold 5.19% -0.85% 24.69%
Crude -1.29% -11.32% 39.78%
Nat Gas 20.18% -5.98% 20,18%
BTCUSD 8.00% -6.90% 101.01%

NASDAQ Record of Positions in May

May-04 LONG 13064      
May-31 Curr. Price 14396     OPEN
        Part. P/L May 10.20%

Nasdaq – After the buy signal given on May the 4th, the Nasdaq resisted above the important level of 13,500. It closed above the trendline mentioned on our updates, around 14000, giving a higher price target. As of today, May the 31st, we are still holding a long position with 10.20% profit. Our partial return year to date is 49.22%, against a return from the Nasdaq of 29.73%.

GOLD Record of Positions in May

May-02 LONG 2019      
May-05     2050 31 1.54%
May-05 SHORT 2050      
May-17 CLOSE 1/2   1988 62 3.02%
May-29 CLOSE 2/2   1962 88 4.29%
        FINAL P/L 3.66%
        P/L May 5.19%

Gold – Reached our upside price target early in the month, and as mentioned on our updates, initiated a down-move into mid-May, giving an opportunity to profit from a short position. We closed it on May the 29th with a 3.66% profit. Our long/short strategy returned 5.19% in May, against a negative return of 0.85% for Gold.

CRUDE Record of Positions in May

May-08 LONG 71.35      
May-12 CLOSE   71.42 0.07 0.10%
May-17 LONG 70.6      
May-31 CLOSE   69.62 -0.98 -1.39%
        P/L May -1.29%

Crude – Early in May we mentioned that Crude could test a low of 64.00, which came on May the 4th (63.64). Furthermore, we expected a weekly cycle low on May the 9th, which gave a buy signal on May the 8th, and another on May the 17th. However, daily cycles turned down late in the month stopping our buy signals and bringing a negative monthly return of 1.29%, against a negative return of 11.32% for Crude. Our strategy is still returning 39.78% year-to-date.

NAT GAS - Record of Positions in May

May-10 LONG 2.26      
May-11 CLOSE   2.18 0.08 3.54%
May-15 LONG 2.26      
May-18 CLOSE 1/2   2.61 0.35 15.49%
May-23 CLOSE 2/2   2.4 0.14 6.19%
        FINAL P/L 10.84%
May-23 SHORT 2.4      
May-29 Curr. Price 2.26     OPEN
        Partial P/L 5.80%
        Partial P/L May 20.18%

Natural Gas – We have been expecting a long-term cycle low in NatGas since the beginning of the year, and May gave us two buy signals that together brought us a return of 14.38%. Late in the month the daily cycle turned down giving us a sell signal which we maintain to this moment, with a partial profit of 5.80%. Monthly, our partial positive return was of 20.18%, against a negative return of 5.98% for NatGas.

BITCOIN - Record of Positions in May

May-01 SHORT 28561      
May-12 CLOSE 1/2   26200 2361 8.27%
May-24 CLOSE 2/2   27220 1341 4.70%
        FINAL P/L 6.48%
May-28 LONG 27358      
May-31 CLOSE   27773 415 1.52%
        P/L May 8.00%

Bitcoin BTC/USD – We started the month with a short position which was closed in two stages at the end of the month. The daily cycles turned up, and we profited 1.52% from a buy signal given on May the 28th, and closed today. Our return year-to-date on Bitcoin is at 101.01%

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