KFNN 1510 Financial News Radio | Charles Nenner on Economic Cyles and Market Timing

This show features an interview with Dr. Charles Nenner about his research (markets in 2009, January-May). Topics covered:

  • Inflation and deflation (which will last for a while, especially in stocks like flour);
  • Where the dollar is expected to move within 3-6 months (in line with the Japan scenario, which corresponded to the Depression of the 1930s);
  • Euro and yen; • Gold, in its long run, is expected to reach new heights;
  • Cycles indicate that oil will return to the previous highs next year for the next two years;
  • How psychological cycles work and how they are used to predict market timing;
  • Investors must decide whether they believe things happen randomly or not (if they do not, you should investigate the underlying theories).

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